“What are some of your favorite barbecued foods and what type of drink goes best with the meal?”
“Barbecue brisket but up here in the northeast, I would say a nice rib eye with a nice red wine or a beer goes nicely.” – Fred Wass with daughter Maddy, Princeton
Kathryn: “Barbecue brisket on a sandwich with an Arnold Palmer.”
Dan: “Barbecue chicken and an Arnold Palmer.”
Tiger: “Anything that falls off the table.”
– Dan and Kathryn Beilke with Tiger, Titusville
Perry: “Barbecue brisket cooled for about 6 hours at 225 degrees and a watermelon aqua fresca.”
Cameron: “Hamburger.”
– Perry Herst with daughter Cameron, Princeton
Brian: “BBQ ribs with an iced tea.”
Shannon: “Hot dogs and lemonade.”
Marie: “Cheesburger with iced tea.”
– Brian Conway with Joseph (left to right). Shannon and Marie, East Windsor
“Chicken and pork with a beer.”- Shaji George, Princeton
“Burger, hot dog and a coke.” – Kirsten Sharett and Stirling Dean, Princeton