January 4, 2012

Making a Case for Kids Having Cell Phones At School, Plus Some Advice for Parents

To the Editor:

My 11-year-old cousin in China has a cell phone with only four buttons: “Mom,” “Dad,” “Home,” and “Police.” Our school does not allow kids to use cell phones at school unless it’s an emergency. Even with this rule, I still think children should have their own cell phone in their backpacks.

Working parents worry about their children during after-school hours. If they have a cell phone, parents and children can call each other after school. They will feel safe. They can also contact police if they are in danger after school.

Secondly, a child with a cell phone can call parents when he needs help. Sometimes school has early emergency dismissals. If this happens, children can call their parents for them to make arrangements.

If parents don’t want their children to make trouble with cell phones, they can just get the version with only four buttons. If parents want to save money, then they can give children their old phones.

So if you don’t want that worried feeling again, get your child a cell phone. Don’t forget to tell them to turn the phone off during classes if they bring it to school.

Andrew Zhong,

5th Grader (Mrs. Barbara Osburn’s class)

Millstone River School, Grover Mills Road, Plainsboro