January 18, 2012

A Letter From PPL’s Dudley Carlson Asking About Former Director’s Obit

To the Editor

I’ve been watching for an obituary for Robert H. Staples, who died in late October in Lakewood; he should certainly be remembered for moving the library from Bainbridge House to Witherspoon Street and overseeing most of its life in the Longstreth building. Much of his tenure involved looking ahead to the electronic future (computers) and the need for an enlarged structure, as well as encouraging the growth of The Friends of the Library. A member of the Nassau Club, he was an old-school gentleman and a wonderful mentor. Eric Greenfeldt, former Assistant Director, and Barbara Johnson, former Friends’ president, could doubtless add details, as could former Township mayor Phyllis Marchand.

Dudley Carlson
Portola Valley, California