March 21, 2012

“What is your favorite part of being a Girl Scout?” (Asked at Saturday’s 100th Birthday Celebration)

“My favorite part is the way you can help people and the environment.” —Ana Rodriguez, Lawrenceville

Sarah: “Going on the camping trips and getting badges.”
Anushka: “Having fun with friends at different events and how we earn badges.”
—Sarah Staggs (left) and Anushka Bhatia, Princeton

Ashley: “It’s really fun to get all types of new badges and go to all kinds of places.”
Raina: “Going to the amusement parks.”
—Ashley Charles (left) and Raina Williamson, Princeton

Hadley: “The activities that we do. And I also like that I’m with my friends from my old school and my new school.
Madeleine: “I like the activities.”
—Hadley Maltisch (left) and Madeleine Emeric, Princeton

Devon: “The challenges that Girl Scouts push you toward that you wouldn’t do on a daily basis.”
Ann: “Being with my friends that I have known since kindergarten.”
—Devon Kueny (left) and Ann Gaylord, Ewing

Odette: “We’re all like family together.”
Nevin: “Selling cookies and going to cool events like this today.” —Odette Biache (left) and Nevin Gammage, Ewing

Jada: “My friends, the activities, going to new places and learning things about history.”
Catherine: “Hanging out with friends, it’s like family to me.”
Mary Catherine: “You get to meet new people and get to do really fun things and go to really cool events.”
—Jada Morton–Salley (left), Catherine Strubel (middle), and Mary Catherine Shea, Ewing