“What books did you find at this year’s Bryn Mawr-Wellesley Book Sale?”

“I found the paper back 1932 [Odyssey Press] edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses and assorted other books. And Sophie found books for her to read.”
—Doug Haeuber with daughter Sophie, Plainsboro
Sylvia: “Dorothy L. Sayers mysteries which are hard to find. I found a first edition, which is exciting. I also found a lot of sheet music.”
Joan: “I found a lot of music, Burt Bacharach and opera.”
—Sylvia Korman with Mother Joan Hsiao, Princeton
“I come every year. Today I found history books and classics.”
—Mike Spaul, Mercerville
Susan: “I found this Civil War book. I’m a teacher, and it’s a wonderful, visual representation for teaching history. These are hard to find and expensive. I found this today for $2 as opposed to $75.”
Natalie: “I found a lot of good animal books and they’re really my style. I really love animals.”
—Susan Eustis and daughter Natalie, Pennington
“I like to read and found a lot of different fiction.”
—Wouter Rock, Princeton
“I’m a performing artist and when I’m through savoring the books I purchased today, biographies of those from the golden age of stage, screen and television from days gone by, they will join my collection of similar books donated to needy children hoping some day to have a life as an artist themselves.”
—Rosemary Peters, Princeton