May 9, 2012

Friends of Princeton Open Space Thanking Firefighters at Mountain Lakes

To the Editor:

On behalf of the Board of Friends of Princeton Open Space (FOPOS), I write to thank all those who responded quickly and effectively to the fire that broke out in Mountain Lakes North in Princeton Township on the afternoon of April 14. The responders included the Princeton Fire Department, the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, and firefighters and equipment from Hopewell, Lawrence, West Windsor, Princeton Junction, Blawenburg, Ewing, and as far away as Morrisville, Pennsylvania.

Due to the extremely dry conditions and the fact that this is parkland, the fire could have consumed much more than the approximately 3.5 acres that ultimately were affected. Fortunately, the dedicated and skilled personnel who responded prevented that from happening.

FOPOS has already consulted with Dr. Emile DeVito, manager of Science and Stewardship of the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, and Leslie Sauer, a respected expert on forest restoration, about the consequences of the fire, since FOPOS has “adopted” Mountain Lakes North through the adopt-a-park program (along with Mountain Lakes Preserve, for which FOPOS holds the conservation easement). Fortunately, the principal victims of the fire were low-growing invasive species and there was not a great deal of damage to larger trees. We expect to bring ideas for restoration of this area to Township staff and Committee in the near future.

Again, thanks to all who helped protect our park and nearby areas from the flames.

Wendy L. Mager

President, Friends of Princeton Open Space