Happy User Praises Pilot Project Of Curbside Compost Program
To the Editor:
I am a very happy user of the Princeton curbside compost program, and want to encourage all Princeton Township and Borough residents to sign on. While I do my own yard compost, the curbside allows me to include so much more. I love composting pizza boxes! And meat scraps, dairy waste, Kleenex, all things that used to go in my garbage. We are left with very little throwaways, and it is a great feeling knowing we’re adding so little to landfills.
This is a pilot project, the only one of its kind in New Jersey; it will only continue if more people sign on. For $20/month you get weekly compost pick-ups with containers included; for $30 you also get weekly garbage collection.
Please join in this easy, affordable, and satisfying project. Call Janet at Princeton Township, 688-2566 or sign up online at www.princetontwp.org and click on Princeton Composts Curbside. Help keep Princeton green!
Liz Cohen
Terhune Road