May 16, 2012

Crumiller Helped Unite Princeton, Deserves Place on New Council

To the Editor:

As a lifelong Democrat, I’m supporting Jenny Crumiller for the new Princeton Council. For over 20 years, Jenny has selflessly served our community from being a room parent at Community Park School to serving on the current Borough Council. In her spare time (wherever she finds it) she is vice-chair of the local committee of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Jenny never seeks the limelight; she just gets the job done.

Jenny was a founding member of Unite Princeton and worked tirelessly to bring about the consolidation of the Township and Borough, a goal that had eluded Princeton’s leadership for several decades. As a taxpayer, I appreciate the reduction in government expense without decreasing services to the public. As a civil rights lawyer, I appreciate her efforts to ensure that the savings come from elimination of redundancies, not using consolidation as an opportunity to cut the pay and benefits of municipal employees.

Jenny also led the effort to make the local Democratic Party more democratic. When I became a committeeman eight years ago, the party leadership simply gave me the position. The people in my district had no voice in the decision. Jenny worked hard to increase participation and give anyone interested in serving an equal chance. Ironically, this good deed has not gone unpunished. Some of those who liked things the old way now oppose her candidacy.

Public servants like Jenny don’t come along every day. We need to keep her in office.

Lewis L. Maltby

Stone Cliff Road