Experience as Small Business Owner Makes Tamera Matteo Right Choice
To the Editor:
We urge our fellow Democrats in Princeton to support Tamera Matteo for Borough Council in the primary on June 5. She believes that united Princeton deserves the best Borough Council. We agree.
A vote for Tamera would be a vote for results-oriented leadership and an end to the petty squabbles that have paralyzed our Borough government. Drawing on her ten years as a small business owner in Princeton, she would bring elements of our community together for win-win solutions to problems ranging from downtown parking to cost sharing by local tax-exempt organizations. She would draw on her civic activism as a Parent-Teacher Organization president and community volunteer to engage a broad cross-section of Princeton residents in shaping our common future.
A vote for Tamera would be a vote for transparency and against the local party machine. Meeting behind closed doors, the Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee gave current Borough Council members Jenny Crumiller and Jo Butler favored positions on the June 5 primary ballot despite Crumiller and Butler’s failure to win the full endorsement of the membership of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization. Tamera is not beholden to the party machine and will make decisions that she independently believes are in the best interest of our community.
Consolidation offers the voters of the new Princeton the opportunity to create a vibrant new civic culture. We believe that Tamera Matteo will make that happen.
Ted Mills, Henry Vega
Quarry Street