May 30, 2012

New Pool Here On Budget and On Time Because Jo Butler Helped End the Debate

To the Editor:

I support Jo Butler for Princeton Council. I have known her for several years, working closely with her as the Borough Liaison to the Joint Recreation Board and can state first hand that she is a professional, no-nonsense individual, who brings an open mind to every issue with which she is faced. Never coming to a debate with a hidden agenda, Jo Butler listens well, asks good questions, is smart and does all the necessary background work to get her mind around the issues at hand.

From the start Jo Butler has been a champion of the new Community Park Pool. Once she listened to all the disparate points of view, she made up her mind and was integral in ending the ceaseless debates in the Borough about the pool and got the project moving forward. As a result, our beautiful new pool is opening this weekend, on budget and on time. Our community owes a debt of gratitude to Ms. Butler for those efforts.

Jo Butler also supports a combined Parks and Recreation Department, which would allow for more coordinated and efficient passive and active recreation services for all of our citizens. She is a thoughtful and decisive leader who also embodies that rare quality among public servants – she is selfless. We need Jo Butler. I urge like-minded members of the community to vote on June 5 for Jo Butler for Princeton Council.

Thomas Zucosky

Witherspoon Street