We Can’t Make Princeton More Sustainable If Residents Are Unable to Use the Sidewalks
To the Editor:
A topic that I think would be of interest to readers are the regulations in the Princeton Township and Borough concerning who is responsible for clearing sidewalks of plants (and snow).
The stretch of sidewalk in Princeton Township, on Bayard Lane along Route 206 across from the Bank of Princeton and the Shell station, is nearly impassable, and it has been neglected and difficult to maneuver in since I moved to this neighborhood almost three years ago. I use this path to commute to work on foot or on my bike from my home near Mountain Avenue to my job downtown. Not only do the branches of trees and bushes stretch onto the sidewalk, but so does poison ivy and plants with thorns (some of them large thorns), which extend at heights dangerous for adults, kids, and pets. A few weeks ago, for example, I arrived home from my bike commute bleeding on my arm and leg after getting entangled in one of the thorn bushes on this path.
Here is a well done post by Steve Hiltner about this particularly bad stretch of sidewalk: www.princetonnaturenotes.blogspot.com/2012/06/weedful-needful-sidewalk.html.
We can’t make Princeton more sustainable if residents and visitors cannot use the sidewalks we already have.
Jennifer Bryson
Bayard Lane