Question of the Week: “Do you prefer cats or dogs and why?” (Asked at the SAVE Benefit, in the Fred Astaire Studio, Princeton Shopping Center)

“My preference is for dogs, I’ve grown up with dogs and may be biased because I’ve never had a cat. My entire view of dogs changed with my first pit bull, Buster, who was an angel who passed away with lymphoma. I became very committed to dogs and the breed. I now have Henry, who I rescued, and just getting to train and work with him, we’re very close and have a unique partnership. The opportunities for personal growth and commitment to a relationship are the reasons why I prefer a dog.”
—Adelle Scharloo, lives in Middlesex, works for SAVE.
“A dog, because I owned a little Maltese, who was my best friend. I’m more partial to dogs, I’ve never owned a cat.”
—Millie Dhirmalani, Montvale, owner Fred Astaire Studio, Princeton
“Dogs because they love you unquestioningly.”
—Tom Bracke, Plainsboro
Ledlie: “I thought of myself as a dog person, though we always had a cat. In the last several months, I’ve been taking care of a cat and I love her and understand her. Somebody once said that I’m more like a cat than a dog. And now I understand because I’ve bonded with this cat and love her as much as any dog I’ve ever had.”
Jennie: “I live in Philadelphia now, where there are a lot of strays. There are a lot of people committed to adopting. I have adopted a number of dogs.
You may call me a cat hoarder, I had 15 cats at one time but you would not have known. I was diligent about having these cats. I think it is important to know that you do not have to pick dog or cat. You can love both.” —Jennie (left) and Ledlie Borgerhoff, Princeton
“I like both, I think they are both wonderful. I’m trying to get a dog right now. I already have two cats. I think I prefer cats because they’re easier to take care of, are low maintenance, make perfect pets, and they’re lovable and cuddle with you.” —Irina Smile, Bayonne
“Dogs because they’re man’s best friend.”
—Annie Nayce, Pennington