Question of the Week: “What inspires you to write new books?” (Asked of authors at the Princeton Public Library’s Children’s Book Festival)”

“Classic books that I read as a child still inspire me to this day to write new books.”
—Denis Markell (Hush Little Monster)
“I like stories that are compelling, that tell you something about the world and life. And in this case, my first book is a true story, based on a dog rescued in the Baltic Sea. It is a story about courage, compassion, and empathy. I love to write and illustrate.” —Monica Carnesi (Little Dog Lost)
“A source of inspiration for me is something based on deadlines that Duke Ellington said that inspired him. There is something about a deadline that forces you to focus and create. Things happen in a certain order on a deadline. You are forced to create.” —Stephen Savage (Where’s Walrus?)
“I write historical fiction. I’m inspired to show history in a unique way to children and help them to remember the period. The first book I wrote was about my great grandmother, who was accused of witchcraft.”
—Kathleen Benner Dubble (The Sacrifice)
Eileen: “Writing for children. Reading is one of the best things you can do for a child.”
Marc: “My cat has a lot to do with giving me ideas.”
—Eileen and Marc Rosenthal (I Must Have Bobo!)
“I like to follow the characters to where they go, I start to write and suddenly a story comes out that you want to share with the whole world.”
—Lauri Jacobs (Silly Frilly Grandma Tillie)