Princeton a Different Place 20 Years Ago; Liz Lempert Has Moved Princeton Forward
To the Editor:
Anyone who has contacted Liz Lempert during her tenure as a Committee Woman and Deputy Mayor, knows that she is accessible, open-minded, knowledgeable, hard-working, and thorough. We have approached her about several issues and have found her to be a thoughtful, engaged listener who addresses concerns with well-reasoned responses supported by facts, explaining her reasoning with analysis of all possible solutions. Her skills have served Princeton well as she addressed the highly nuanced and multi-faceted issues facing the township, not the least of which were consolidation and negotiating the first voluntary contribution from the university. Liz has been involved in the consolidation process from the start and is the only candidate for mayor who can hit the ground running during the first year of consolidation, where recent experience and institutional knowledge about the complex decisions made during the process will be most critical.
Equally important, Liz has been a leader and innovator with ideas that have moved Princeton forward in many areas. When we moved back to Princeton 20 years ago, Dick Woodbridge was in his last year as the Republican mayor of the Township, and Princeton was a very different place. For years after our return, we found Princeton to be behind comparable neighboring and college towns in terms of recycling, biking, and sustainability. In the last four years, Liz has been actively involved in moving Princeton forward into the 21st century in these areas—preserving open space, achieving certification from Sustainable Jersey, promoting safe bicycling, and establishing the curbside composting program—while holding taxes flat for the last several years. She has an impressive record of success in achieving environmental, budgetary, town/gown, and technology goals.
Liz has earned our votes, and we hope you will join us in making her unified Princeton’s first mayor.
Ann Summer, Mark Feigenson
Cedar Lane