December 5, 2012

Planning Board Should Require University To Come Up With Safer Plan for Station

To the Editor:

We rely on the members of the Regional Planning Board of Princeton to recognize the dangers to the public inherent in the plan for the new Dinky Station complex, part of the University’s Arts and Transit project. The area in front of the new station will have to accommodate buses and cars waiting, turning and parking; pedestrians crossing the road to the station; “kiss and run” traffic; cyclists; and drivers and pedestrians stopping at Wawa. In addition, cars coming from and going to Parking Lot 7 will share an exit road with the station complex. All of this, confined in the small area set out in the University’s proposal, will cause intense congestion and endanger public safety.

Four new crosswalks on Alexander Street between University Place and Faculty Road will further impede traffic flow and put the public at even greater risk.

For these reasons we urge the Planning Board to require the University to come up with a safer plan.

Peter Kleban, Barbara Anderman

Springdale Road