May 29, 2013

Enthusiastically Endorsing Recent Proposal For the Creation of a Dog Park in Princeton

To the Editor:

We are writing to enthusiastically endorse Bill Humes’s proposal in a letter to Town Topics [“Princeton’s Dogs Need Their Own Space,” May 22] to create a dog park in Princeton. Every dog owner in our town feels their pet’s urgent tug on the leash that means, “Let me run! Let me run!” But we are required to deny them that exercise, caught as we are between the natural needs of a dog and the restrictive covenants of a community. The net effect is that we forbid them any physical activity more stimulating than a human-pace stroll, when they are just dying to enjoy the kind of energetic exercise we regularly engage in ourselves.

Bill Humes’s suggestion of creating a dog park is a straightforward, simple, easily achieved resolution of this conflict. A dedicated dog park does not intrude on or defile the recreational spaces others use in different ways. Many, many other communities have long since established such facilities. Now it’s our turn.

Eliot and Patti Daley

Dorann Avenue