July 3, 2013

Governor’s Latest Budget Underfunds Schools, Gives Corporations Over $200 Million in Tax Cuts

To the Editor,

I am extremely disappointed by the decision of New Jersey legislators to give Governor Christie’s latest budget a rubber stamp. The budget the governor just signed underfunds our public schools by $1 billion and fails to keep his pledge to increase higher education funding in his first term. Once again Christie has said he can’t find the funds for schools and essential services, but he has somehow located enough money to give corporations over $200 million in tax cuts.

After three years of tax breaks for the rich and corporations, New Jersey’s unemployment rate is the sixth highest in the nation. Tax cuts for the one percent haven’t created the jobs New Jersey desperately needs. Instead of signing off the governor’s failed policies, we need our legislators to advance bold ideas for building strong, safe communities and developing a highly trained workforce. Until they do, the Jersey slump will continue while the rest of the nation recovers.

Mary Ellen Marino

President of NJ Progressive Democratic Caucus

Hornor Lane