Municipal Code for the MRRO Zone Requires Affordable Set-Aside of Two Units in Townhouses
To the Editor:
We’re pleased that Jon Vogel has made a commitment to an equitable redistribution of affordable housing units as a part of the AvalonBay Princeton project. But he hasn’t yet extended that commitment to the three townhouses fronting on Franklin Avenue. He should. Twenty percent of the townhouses (2.4 units, rounded down to two units) should be inhabited by tenants who cannot afford market-rate units.
Municipal code for the MRRO zone requires him to do so. The site is not like Merwick/Stanworth, owned by Princeton University, who, unfortunately, are planning to exclude affordable units from their townhouses.
The real Princeton community doesn’t sanction redlining. Lee Solow, director of Planning, in his report on the AvalonBay application, plainly states: “… it has been [Planning] Board practice to require that all affordable developments distribute the affordable housing units throughout the site and ensure that the exterior of the affordable units are indistinguishable from the market units” (6/19/13, sec. 3.6; see also 9.6). The townhouses are certainly “distinguishable” from the two enormous apartment complexes. Their tenants should not be. The Engineering and Zoning Report from Jack West and Derek Bridger (6/18/13, sec. 22) reiterates the same principle.
Fully equitable distribution is Princeton practice and a sign of Princeton’s values, notwithstanding the perspective of some who have argued that premium real estate shouldn’t be wasted on the less fortunate.
Jon Vogel should commit to Princeton’s values. When he introduced himself at the Planning Board (6/27/13), he specifically mentioned his earlier experience in fair share housing — the years when he was General Counsel for the New York City Housing Partnership, an intermediary in the development of affordable rental and for sale housing in New York City (source: Someone with that background should certainly understand that the real estate costs for full equity are minor when compared with the claims of social and economic justice.
We trust that Jon Vogel will make the necessary commitment to an affordable set-aside of two units in the townhouses.
Milan Pophristic, PhD, MBA
Tee Ar Place