Question of the Week: “Do you think the plan for the hospital site is a good or bad idea?”
Stephen: “I’m not happy with the current plan that I saw on the website. It looks like Princeton is in transition to a small city instead of a nice town.”
Charlie: “There are a lot of kids and dogs in my neighborhood now. I think they should include a playground which would benefit kids and dogs.”
—Stephen Allen with son Charlie, Princeton (current hospital site neighbor)
“I think it’s a good idea. I think Princeton could use more housing, especially low cost. And if the new development can guarantee (this is the key thing) that Princeton residents will have priority for the lower cost housing. If this is not the case, and it is more housing for affluent residents, it is probably not a good idea.” —Thika Okeke-Agule, Princeton
“It’s a good idea, if they can get the right boundaries with AvalonBay. It could be a nice place for people to live in the neighborhood as long as they get the right density and it has low income housing.”
—Debbie Peikes with Benjamin, Princeton (current hospital site neighbor)
“I think it’s a good idea because we need more affordable housing in town. I am a little concerned with the scope and the size and scale in its current form.”
—Carey Gates, Princeton
“I think it really could be great, if they could just come to some resolution that meets the community’s needs. It’s a great location in town and we need more housing.”
—Cynthia Fite, Princeton
“I think it’s a good idea because they’ll be giving people the opportunity to live in Princeton at an affordable rate.”
—Nicole Sichet, Ewing Township