Question of the Week: “What are your favorite Halloween costumes?”
Ava: “I love my eagle costume and my princess costume, too.”
Ola: “I am a princess this year.”
—(from left) Ava Buranelli and Ola Adamska, Princeton Junction
Brian: “I think my all-time favorite would be dressing up as a cowboy,”
Susan: “Most recently, my favorite would have to be last year’s costume when my husband and I went as piñatas. When I was younger, Raggedy-Ann was my favorite. Also, we had to do the 50’s poodle skirts. Those were popular. Every year my parents would have a party for Halloween, which was a really fun tradition.”
—Brian and Susan Kloss, Pennington

Filip: “I like the superheroes, like Spiderman and Superman.”
Kendra: “When I dressed up as a Hershey Kiss. It was really cute.”
—Filip and Kendra Brito, Princeton
“Batman and Scream and Power Rangers.”
—Rosa Caceres, with (from left) Michael and Carlos, Princeton
Emma: “I like the homemade ones. They are always really witty costumes and really original.”
Caroline: “I also really like the homemade costumes that you can tell kids put a lot of time into them.”
—(from left) Emma Brigaud and Caroline Smith, Princeton