PCDO Is Looking for Princeton Democrats To Run for Seats on Council, Executive Board
To the Editor:
In 2014, year two of the new consolidated Princeton, two seats on the Princeton Council will be up for election as well as all the seats on the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO) Executive Board. As the president of the PCDO and as the municipal chair of the Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee, we are writing to encourage all interested Princeton Democrats to consider running as candidates for these offices.
Involvement in the PCDO Executive Board is a great way to meet local Democratic elected officials, help decide on club programs, and priorities, and learn about both local and national policy issues. By being part of the Democratic team, you help advance our shared values as well as raising your own profile in the community.
All interested PCDO members are encouraged to run for positions on the PCDO executive board, which includes all of the officer positions and 12 at-large seats. The PCDO website (www.princetondems.org/jobs) describes the various officer and at-large positions and responsibilities. The PCDO leadership election is scheduled for January 26, 2014, and the final deadline to request to be on the ballot is January 11. Contact PCDO President Jon Durbin by email at jondurbin@princetondems.org or at (609) 924-2438.
An open-house meeting will be held prior to the next PCDO membership meeting, from 6 to 7 p.m. on December 15 at the Suzanne Patterson Center. This is an opportunity for interested Democrats to come and find out more about the executive board and its election process, as well as for Democrats interested in running for Princeton Council to get advice and learn about the endorsement process.
Princeton Democrats should join the PCDO or renew their membership by January 12 to be eligible to vote at the January 26 meeting. Membership information, online payment form, and a downloadable form are available at www.princetondems.org/join.
Jon Durbin,
President, Princeton Community
Democratic Organization
Peter Wolanin,
Chair, Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee