December 18, 2013

Yes We CAN! Food Drives Donors Give 17,520 Pounds of Food to Crisis Ministry

To the Editor:

On behalf of Yes We CAN! Food Drives, we wish to thank the shoppers and managers at Princeton’s McCaffrey’s, Pennington Quality Market, and the West Windsor Farmers’ Market for their continued generosity in donating food for The Crisis Ministry food pantries in Trenton and Princeton.

This past year, these donors have made it possible for our volunteers to turn over 17,520 pounds of food directly to The Crisis Ministry. The donations amount to 15 percent of all the food donated to the organization for the 3,000 people each month who use the pantries to supplement their food supplies. And just who are these people? Children, low-income families, the elderly, disabled, veterans, the unemployed — all those in need of help.

So, again, thank you to everyone for their generosity. But know also that our volunteers will be out at the markets in 2014 asking for donations of some extra food because, unfortunately, the challenge of living with food insecurity will still be part of our lives.

Stephanie Chorney, Chair,

Victoria Airgood, Liz Cohen, Fran Engler, Yeou-Shiuh Hsu, Kimberly Kyte,

Alison Politzner. Ann Summer,

Executive Committee

Yes We CAN! Food Drives