January 29, 2014

In Spite of Weather, Bill Scheide’s 100th Birthday Concert Was an Inspiring and Memorable Evening

To the Editor:

Snow and freezing temperatures could not suppress the contagious and exuberant spirits of Judy and Bill Scheide the evening of January 25, when they invited the Princeton community to share in the celebration of Bill’s 100th Birthday. The event was held in Richardson Auditorium on the Princeton University campus with proceeds benefiting Westminster Choir College. The participation of the Westminster Symphonic Choir in the program added to the richness of the event and demonstrated the wide-ranging talent of the group. On behalf of myself, and I’m certain the other members of the capacity audience, I’d like to extend a sincere thanks to Judy and Bill for an inspiring and memorable evening. Their continued generosity and commitment to the community through a love and appreciation of music is a precious gift.

Linda Sipprelle

Nassau Street