February 19, 2014

Question of the Week: How hard has it been for you to deal with the snow; does it make people more neighborly?

TT Erica Bess

“I personally have not had a hard time dealing with the snow. I live in an apartment and I park in a garage. Luckily, I haven’t had to shovel at all. It’s interfered with traveling and seeing friends and it’s interfered with work since the library has been closed because of some very bad snow storms. I definitely think it encourages people to become more neighborly. You see people helping other people shoveling driveways, pushing cars in the snow. Everyone comes to the library on days like these, and people see people that they don’t normally see. We’re all in this winter together. It’s been rough; it’s been shared suffering and shared hope. We’re all looking forward to Spring.” — Erica Bess, New Brunswick, Princeton Public Library employee

TT Niki Wilson

 “It’s not been very difficult. I’ve noticed that when the snow falls here, there is a very quick cleanup which makes it safe to drive and makes it easier to get around. I do want to say that I think it has helped to bring the community together. People are out helping one another shovel. I actually got stuck the other day in my car and my wheels were spinning. Someone got out of their car and came to help push me. I’m from Florida so am trying to cope as best I can, I’m thankful for helpful people.” — Niki Wilson, Princeton, Princeton Public Library employee TT John Gale“The snow has made people more neighborly; my neighbors have been extremely generous and kind. As far as dealing with the snow, I live in a condo so I don’t really have to deal with it. There is someone to do it for me, a blessing in disguise.”  — John Gale, Yardley (formally of Princeton) 

TT Tamar Shalamberidze

“As a mother, the snow makes everything difficult, you have heavy snowsuits which makes it hard to carry kids, you can’t push the stroller any more. One thing for sure, the snow days allow for more time with my kids and I’m very grateful. It’s time with my husband, friends and neighbors gathered together and we are relaxed. My friend and I were happy to be home again for another snow day.” — Tamar Shalamberidze, Princeton  

TT Jordan Vine Susan Musa

“Jordan: “It hasn’t been that hard to deal with the snow. My best friend Susan and I stay inside and don’t really have to deal with it. My neighborhood is not very neighborly. We all stay indoors.”
Susan: “Dealing with the snow has not been that hard. It has actually been kinda fun roaming through town with my friends. I don’t think the snow has made people more neighborly.”
  — Jordan Vine (left) and Susan Musa, Princeton