Asking All Voters to Think Long and Hard About Jo Butler’s Contribution to Council
To the Editor:
I am supporting Jo Butler for Princeton Council and I ask all voters to think long and hard about the vital contribution she has made to the Council.
She does her homework, she asks a lot of questions and she has the guts to formulate clear, well-considered positions on important questions that face our community.
She understands how municipal government works and has served or is serving as the Council’s liaison to the Recreation Board, Historic Preservation Commission, Traffic and Transportation Committee, and the Citizen’s Finance Advisory Committee, and she is serving on the Council’s Legal Oversight Committee, and its Personnel Committee as the search for a new municipal administrator moves forward. She was a member of the Consolidation Transition Task Force and a member of the Task Force’s Public Safety Subcommittee, its Infrastructure and Operations Subcommittee and its IT Subcommittee, all of which had central roles in organizing the structure of the new consolidated Princeton.
The first step toward putting Jo Butler on the ballot is to get her endorsed by the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO). If you are interested in participating in that process you must become a member of the PCDO by March 16 to be eligible to vote. For more information on membership please visit the PCDO website: www.princeton
The vote by the members of the PCDO for local candidate endorsements will take place on Sunday, March 30. Jo Butler has been a real credit to the Council and I hope that you will join me in voting to endorse Jo Butler for the Princeton Council.
Kip Cherry,
Member, Executive Committee, PCDO