April 2, 2014

Question of the Week: “What signs of spring have you noticed?”

TT Liz Gilchrist and Joseph Gilchrist

Liz: “I was hoping there would be more, but you are starting to see more green already.”
Joe: “I’ve actually seen daffodils and things like that in our garden so we know we’re getting there.”
—Liz and Joe Gilchrist, West Windsor

TT Amy Karatka 

“I’ve seen a lot of robins and spring birds, and a lot of the crocuses in my mom’s garden are starting to come up.
And it’s also getting warmer.  Now it’s rain instead of snow.”
—Amy Karatka, Hamilton

 TT Sandra Davis

“Yes, we have daffodils in our backyard.”
—Sandra Davis, Burlington, photography professor and historian,
Mercer County Community College

TT Grace Spencer

“Yes, the sun is coming and I actually go out and enjoy taking photographs without freezing.”
—Grace Spencer, East Windsor

 TT Wilson Garrido

“Weather-wise, no, but having the sun starting to set later in the day is giving me hope.”
—Wilson Garrido, Trenton