Arts Council of Princeton Expresses Thanks To All Who Made Communiversity Memorable
To the Editor:
On behalf of the board, staff, artists, members, and volunteers of the Arts Council of Princeton, we would like to thank everyone — including 40,000-plus visitors, 200 vendors and over 40 performance groups — who helped make the 43rd annual Communiversity Festival of the Arts such a spectacular event on a gorgeous spring day. As a nonprofit, community-based organization that relies on community support, we are very grateful for the collaboration and support that allowed us to produce another hugely successful event.
When the Arts Council plans Communiversity Festival of the Arts, we envision a “town meets gown” celebration with something for everyone: diverse music and dance performances, outstanding artistry and crafts, creative children’s activities, delicious food, and participation from numerous local merchants, nonprofit organizations, and campus groups. By all accounts, we achieved our goal. We would like to thank the Arts Council staff and volunteers who gave their time and energy to make the overall event a triumphant success. We also appreciate the extremely talented artists and performers who participated in many creative activities including the Streetside Studios and the Mono-thon, Paint Out Princeton, children’s art activities, performances on stage and street, chalk painting and all the many forms of creative expression that make the event unique and memorable.
We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to: the students of Princeton University, University President Chris Eisgruber, and the Office of Community and Regional Affairs; Princeton Mayor Liz Lempert, Princeton Administrator Bob Bruschi and his staff; the Princeton Police Department; Princeton Fire Department; Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad; Princeton Regional Health Department; Princeton Public Works Department; the Princeton Clergy Association; the Princeton Merchants Association and Chamber of Commerce; Event Planners Harper McArthur and Stacy Ducharme; and our major sponsors: the MINI Delaware Valley Dealer Group, Bai Brands, AT&T, AvalonBay Communities, Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Palmer Square Management. A complete list of all our generous event and in-kind sponsors can be found at
Cindi Venizelos,
President, Board of Trustees
Jeff Nathanson
Executive Director, Arts Council of Princeton