Registered Princeton Democrats Should Endorse PCDO Line of Miller and Nemeth
To the Editor:
The primary election on June 3 gives Princeton Democrats an opportunity to select candidates for November’s general election. The ballot in Princeton will be headed by Senator Cory Booker seeking a full term, and will include candidates for The House of Representatives, and three candidates for Princeton Council.
Princeton Democrats made the inclusion of three Council candidates possible by joining the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO) in record numbers this March and by coming out to vote overwhelmingly for Bernie Miller and Sue Nemeth to be on the Democratic line of the ballot.
It is now the job of all registered Princeton Democrats to endorse the PCDO members’ preference and to vote in the June 3 primary for Bernie Miller and Sue Nemeth.
In light of current attacks on voting rights around the country, we should value our right to vote all the more and exercise that right in numbers that represent the true composition of our town.
If Princeton Democrats vote in numbers reflecting the views of the voters who voted for consolidation of the Princetons only two years ago, they will vote in the majority for Bernie Miller and Sue Nemeth to continue the work of consolidation and to ease the operation of the Princeton Council in taking the town forward into the future.
Julia Coale, Joe Stonaker
Nassau Street