May 21, 2014

Stone Hill Church Question at Communiversity Helped Create “Beautiful Spirit of Engagement”

To the Editor:

On Communiversity a huge crowd gathered around a large series of blank paper rolls asking the simple question: “What would you ask God?” The booth, put up by Stone Hill Church of Princeton, attracted many curious onlookers, and over the course of the afternoon, more than 300 questions and comments were written across the paper. So many wanted to write, and even more wanted to read the questions posed by others. We believe this is one small example of a great, latent desire within our community to ask the big questions and to engage others in conversations around these questions.

The relative anonymity of the vast canvas of paper gave people the freedom to ask questions and make comments spanning a wide range of categories. Many struggled with the problem of evil, on a personal and on a global level. Others asked deeply personal questions about decisions they needed to make. Many asked after loved ones now dead — and others chose to ask about celebrities like Jimi Hendrix and Tupac. Several different languages were used, and there were entries from people of all ages (including several heartfelt questions from children about the eternal fates of their pets).

There was such a beautiful spirit of engagement surrounding the question boards. Over and over, we saw people wanting to reach out to God, sharing their struggles and trying to make sense of life. The booth was staffed by volunteers from the church, many of whom had wonderful discussions with community members from all different walks of life and perspectives on the big questions. Given just the briefest of opportunities, the Princeton community showed their desire and ability to engage together in the big questions of life.

Too often, we stifle these discussions. We’re too busy, scared of judgment or argument, or otherwise unwilling to engage one another. But a simple anonymous question board at Communiversity showed the depth of the desire in our community for an outlet for these questions. As a community, we should give each other the freedom to wrestle with questions of faith and the purpose of life together — we’re clearly already wrestling with these questions individually. It’s our hope that this small Communiversity booth will be a springboard to greater and more open discussion about faith, life, and community. Simply asking each other the question of what you would ask God, with a readiness to listen well, would be a big step forward for our community.


Senior Pastor, Stone Hill Church of Princeton