Primary Clarification: If You Feel Really Strongly About a Candidate, You Can Vote for Just One
To the Editor:
As the June 3 Democratic Primary approaches, I feel compelled to present some needed clarity to the upcoming election.
There are no teams running! There are 3 candidates, who should be judged on their individual merits, running for two seats.
When registered Democrats go to the polls, each voter should choose either one or two of the best qualified of the three candidates to represent our consolidated Princeton. Yes, if you feel really strongly about one candidate over the other two, you can vote for one. Some people call it “bullet voting,” but I see it as a strong vote of confidence for the best qualified candidate. The numbers in the Democratic primary are so low that several votes can determine the results. By voting for two candidates, you could be providing the vote that defeats your first choice candidate.
Personally, I feel so strongly about the qualifications of Jo Butler, I plan to vote only for her. She has amazing credentials and experience. Her only agenda is to do what is best for our consolidated town. She has no personal agenda or state or national ambitions. Should she have a perceived conflict of interest, she would be the first to recuse herself. Serving us is not a stepping stone. It is a mission. We are so fortunate to have her and to have her care about us.
Please join me on June 3 to affirm the service of this talented woman, resident of the former Borough and citizen of our new Town. Vote for Jo Butler that she may continue to represent us on Town Council.
Ruth Sayer
Library Place