Woody, Wall Street, and More: Evergreen Forum’s Courses
Registration is about to begin for Evergreen Forum’s fall 2014 semester. In addition to “Woody Allen: Light and Dark,” and “Contemporary Business and Economic Issues,” adults are invited to sign up for classes on topics like the Supreme Court; Princeton University architecture; Tin Pan Alley; and James Joyce’s Ulysses.
Daytime Evergreen Forum courses usually run from six-to-eight weeks, and are taught, for the most part, at the Princeton Senior Resource Center (45 Stockton Street). Course leaders are drawn from local colleges, corporate offices, and research centers. Walter Frank, for example, whose “So You Want to Be a Supreme Court Justice?” will examine whether “constitutional law [is] simply the most elaborate game of three card monte ever invented” or “one of the great strengths of our democracy” (or both), was formerly Chief of Commercial Litigation for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. He is the author of the book, Making Sense of the Constitution.
Poet Lois Harrod will lead “Lives of Girls and Women: The Fiction of Alice Munro,” an examination of what makes Ms. Munro, the 2013 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, worth reading. Ms. Harrod’s connection with Ms. Munro is evident in her own book, Part of the Deeper Sea.
Readings from the publication The Economist will guide discussions in Milton H. Grannatt’s class, “Contemporary Business and Economic Issues.” Mr. Grannat is retired vice president of global business development and licensing at Novartis Pharmaceuticals.
Other classes will focus on “Fatal Attractions in Literature”; “Amazing Avian Artists”; “The Jews and the Roman Empire”; “Klezmer Roots”; and “Women, Money and Power in American Society.”
“Challenges of the Future” will be based on Al Gore’s book, and, like most Evergreen Forum classes, it will encourage idea-sharing and lots of discussion.
Lotteries are held for oversubscribed classes, and applicants are encouraged to register by August 26, 2014. For more information visit www.TheEvergreenForum.org.