November 12, 2014

Solution for Confusion, Frustration, Danger of Traffic on Nassau Street

To the Editor:

Now that the various holiday seasons are upon us, something must be done about Nassau Street traffic: corners of Washington Street, Witherspoon Street, and University Place. Cars, people, traffic lights are all at odds. No one is sure who has the right of way. Here’s a simple solution: give each element its designated turn.

1) ONLY pedestrians; right to cross in any direction, including diagonally. Number of seconds allowed shown on traffic light monitor. No cars moving.

2) ONLY cars: left turn and straight shown on traffic light monitor, each direction in its turn. No pedestrians moving.

This system is used in many cities, Santa Monica, Calif., for example, with great success. For the three major intersections on Nassau Street it would eliminate confusion, frustration, and, in the end, danger.

Marilyn Aronberg Lavin

Maxwell Lane