November 12, 2014

Yes We CAN! Food Drives Collecting Donated Turkeys at Farmers’ Market

To the Editor:

It’s that time of year when we ask our community to help those who are less fortunate in being able to supply adequate food for their families, especially during the holidays. Yes, it’s Thanksgiving Time, and Yes We CAN! Food Drives will be out at the West Windsor Farmers’ Market collecting donated frozen or fresh turkeys on Saturday, November 22, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All donations will be distributed by The Crisis Ministry of Mercer County through its food pantries in Princeton and Trenton.

The West Windsor market, which was recently selected as the outstanding farmers’ market in New Jersey, is located in West Windsor on Vaughn Drive, off Alexander Road. November 22 is the final day for this wonderful market until next spring and a good time to demonstrate to your children or grandchildren the satisfaction of contributing to those in need.

Fran Engler

Tuscany Drive, West Windsor