January 21, 2015

Council Member Urges Residents Concerned About Bike Lanes Ordinance to Be at Meeting

To the Editor:

The issue of bike lanes versus on street parking is coming before Princeton’s municipal council.

Princeton’s Pedestrian and Bike Advisory Committee has been working on plans for a bicycling network throughout town. Details are incomplete in information that has been made public, but bike lanes or other changes to the following roads are under consideration in the proposed plans: Nassau Street, Route 206, Paul Robeson Place, Wiggins, Hamilton, Prospect Avenue, Rollingmead, Littlebrook, Rosedale, Alexander and/or Washington, Edgerstoune, River Road, and Roper and/or Poe.

The public hearing for the first in what is likely to be a series of related local ordinance changes is on the agenda for the council meeting on Monday January 26. That proposed ordinance removes on-street parking on a three block stretch of Hamilton Avenue. I voted against it when it was introduced on January 12, because I am not convinced of the merits of the proposed changes, and because the public has not had adequate input into this ordinance and the larger plans for a bicycling network throughout town.

Whether you live, work, drive, park, walk, or bicycle along any of the roads mentioned above, and potentially others throughout town, you will likely be impacted by the decision council makes Monday night, January 26. Please consider attending that meeting, to hear about what is being proposed, to share your own concerns, and to listen to the concerns of others within the community regarding this issue.

Patrick Simon

Councilman, Harriet Drive