Letters Question Abrupt Dismissal Of Princeton’s Animal Control Officer
To the Editor:
The abrupt dismissal of Mark Johnson, Princeton’s animal control officer, leaves many unanswered questions. Recent articles in local newspapers have only added to the confusion.
We have lived in Princeton for many years. More than once we needed help from Mr. Johnson in dealing with wild animals on our property. He was always quick to respond to our call and to help resolve our problems. He checked any necessary containment devices daily as long as they were needed. Mark Johnson has been an asset to our community for two decades. It is difficult to imagine that he would issue a ticket unless he was exercising due diligence in carrying out the responsibilities of his job. It is not clear why he would be dismissed for issuing a ticket. It is essential for our municipal government to let the voters know what precipitated Mr. Johnson’s termination.
This matter should be taken out of the hands of well-placed friends and be addressed by the Princeton Council. Our officials must act as one for the benefit of a consolidated Princeton. They can begin by telling the public why a person with Mr. Johnson’s qualifications and outstanding work record was dismissed based on seemingly inappropriate influence on local officials. Mark Johnson should be reinstated as Animal Control Officer.
Barbara K. Brandt, Gunter M. Krauthamer
Longview Drive
Editor’s Note: This is one of several letters supporting Mr. Johnson.