More Than 1.4 Million People Volunteer Each Year In N.J.’s Schools, Nonprofits, and Houses of Worship
To the Editor:
I recently registered to volunteer with the Arts Council of Princeton to help at Communiversity in downtown Princeton on April 26. Doing so reminded me of how much I enjoy volunteering. I truly love the process of meeting new people, lending a hand, giving back, and making a difference. I’m joining more than 1.4 million people who volunteer each year in New Jersey’s schools, nonprofit organizations, and houses of worship and many others who help elderly neighbors or friends in need.
In the last few years, the definition of volunteering has expanded to include those sharing their professional skills. It’s no longer just attorneys who give “pro-bono” service. Volunteering has exploded to include, for example, finance, marketing, communications and IT professionals stepping up to help nonprofit organizations by serving on their boards or sharing their skills in short-term strategic projects.
Whatever type of volunteering you are participating in, I applaud your efforts to make the lives of others a bit brighter. April 12-18, 2015, was National Volunteer Appreciation Week. I encourage any organization using volunteers to thank those who are giving their time, skills, and heart to help your organization succeed. Volunteers are the backbone of any organization.
I would like to publicly thank the many volunteers who have worked with VolunteerConnect to share their skills on boards of area nonprofit groups or by completing a strategic project for a nonprofit organization in need of your talents. Skills-based volunteering not only allows you to contribute your talents and education, but helps nonprofit organizations succeed beyond their expectations.
Amy Klein
Executive Director, VolunteerConnect