Residents Urged to Attend Meeting on Valley Road Work
As part of the municipality’s capital improvement program, Valley Road, between Witherspoon and North Harrison streets, will undergo planned improvements in 2016. The work will be partially funded by a New Jersey Department of Transportation municipal aid grant.
Mayor Liz Lempert will chair a discussion of Valley Road in the context of Princeton’s Complete Streets Policy, adopted in 2013, and the town’s master plan, in the Community Room at Witherspoon Hall Tuesday, May 12, at 7 p.m.
The meeting is designed to elicit responses and ideas from local residents. Princeton Engineer Robert Kiser along with representatives from the Police Department and numerous municipal boards, committees, and advisory groups have been invited to share information and insights regarding the roadway and their vision for future improvements.
“We are hoping for feedback as to how the road is functioning and to find out what residents would like to see and what they think needs improving,” said Assistant Engineer Deanna Stockton Monday.
The meeting will take the form of a collaborative work-session with engineers and members of such groups as the Princeton Sewer Operating Committee, Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee, and Traffic and Transportation Committee.
Topics to be discussed include repairs to storm sewers, sanitary sewer main and laterals, new curbing repair of sidewalks and/or replacement with blacktop pathways. The municipality will be imposing a five-year moratorium on any street openings once the work is completed.
Currently classified as a minor collector roadway, Valley Road has a 25-mph speed limit and a five-ton weight restriction. It is estimated that approximately 6,000 vehicles per day use the road, which is part of the route of the Princeton FreeB. There are sidewalks along both sides of the road except for the northern side of Valley between Witherspoon and Jefferson.
School crossing guards staff the Valley Road intersections with Walnut Lane and Witherspoon Street for elementary and middle school student crossings and excluding the North Harrison Street and Witherspoon Street intersections, 50 percent of Valley Road accidents occur at Jefferson Road; almost 40 percent occur at Walnut Lane.
The Princeton Master Plan recommends the installation of an off-road multi-use path along Valley Road.
Town arborist Lorraine Konopka has been invited to be on hand should questions arise about the number of large established London plane trees that line Valley Road.
According to an announcement of the meeting from the engineering department, “comments will be evaluated and incorporated into the design as appropriate” and “an additional design meeting may be scheduled in the summer to clarify unresolved design issues.” Otherwise, engineering staff will proceed with the design in order to secure the services of a contractor in late fall for the 2016 construction season.
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