Trash ArtStravaganza At The Arts Council
In collaboration with Princeton University, the Arts Council of Princeton (ACP) will present the annual Trash ArtStravaganza exhibition in ACP’s Taplin Gallery at the Paul Robeson Center for the Arts from June 12 through June 26. There will be an opening reception on Friday, June 12 at 4 p.m.
The sustainable art-making contest, held annually during Communiversity, will feature work in three age categories, from young children to adults. Entries range from beautiful dresses and jewelry, elaborate and whimsical sculptures and multimedia pieces, to a fantastical city of figurines, vehicles, and dwellings, all fashioned from trash and recycled materials.
The grand prize was awarded to Puttita Sae-Wang, an 11-year-old Lawrence Township resident who designed a two-piece dress from cinched, fringed, and ruffled newspaper. Ms. Sae-Wang donated her $1,000 award to the Princeton Junior School, a non-profit organization. Her entry will be highlighted during the Trash Art Exhibition.
Trash ArtStravaganza, a grassroots organization, began in 2010 at Princeton University’s Sustainability Open House. Its objective is to raise awareness for non-profit organizations that work to sustain the earth’s environment and communities. This year’s contest at Communiversity ArtsFest 2015 welcomed entries from town and gown and helped raise awareness of sustainability endeavors at Princeton University and beyond. For more information on Trash ArtStravaganza, visit