August 19, 2015

Some Suggestions for a Positive Approach To Tear-Downs, Changes in Housing Stock

To The Editor:

No one can deny: the community is changing. Our town is remarkable and many want to move here. Thus, I agree — higher income people are going to move to Princeton and will buy more expensive homes than our existing stock. Rather than lamenting the change, our community should figure out rules to ensure those changes are positive. Here are some ideas.

1. In the case of tear-downs, have a building permit fee for those homes that markedly increase the square footage. Use these funds for low-income housing and open space preservation. I suggest $400,000.

2. Develop architectural standards that require homes to be interesting to the streetscape.

3. Enact a mansion tax to lower everyone’s property taxes in general.

4. Change the tax code to measure home size in cubic feet.

I believe that with the above changes, the homes will still be built, newcomers will still come. We are simply collecting too little for the changes that are occurring.

Phil Ludmer

Caldwell Drive