January 20, 2016

YWCA Tribute to Women Honors Ten This Year

Tickets are going on sale for the YWCA’s 2016 Tribute to Women Awards. Ten women will be inducted into the YWCA’s list of honorees who embody its mission of eliminating racism and empowering women. Over 300 women have been honored by YWCA Princeton through this award program over the last four decades. The 33rd annual award ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, at the Hyatt Regency Princeton.

This year’s honorees come from a mix of backgrounds and experiences. The Fannie E. Floyd Racial Justice Award goes to Cecelia B. Hodges, while the Waxwood Lifetime Achievement Award will be given to Doodie Meyer.

Other honorees are Lisa Breza of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, Stacey Geurds of the Mercer County prosecutor’s office, Shannon Greco of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Lenora Green of Educational Testing Service.

Also: Sharon Pfluger of The College of New Jersey Athletics, Jane Silverman of Jane Silverman and Associates LLC, Elizabeth Protage Walsh of PNC Wealth Management, and Marcia Wood of Trenton Community Music School.

Tickets are $150 prior to February 18, $1,500 for a table of 10, and $750 for a table of five. Prices increase by $25 per ticket after February 18. Visit www.ywcaprinceton.org/tribute or call Joanne McGann at (609) 497-2100 ext. 333.
