Thanking Adult School Knitting Instructor For Alerting Knitters to Needs of Syrian Camp
To the Editor:
Recently, Mrs. Susan Ashmore, instructor of knitting at the Princeton Adult School, alerted her circle of knitters to my plan to visit Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon as one of a delegation from the board of an international relief and development agency. I wanted to thank Susan publicly, and the many folks who knitted the warm hats and blankets that I was able to bring with me.
The situation is terribly difficult and the need is overwhelming. Plastic sheet tents provide little protection from winter weather, and the alleys between them are basically mud when it rains, as it had just before our visit. It is impossible for these families, many with small children, to keep warm and dry. Folks depend upon local generosity and international aid.
The gesture was so appreciated, and in particular, the thought that other mothers from the United States had taken time to hand knit and send these gifts for the children. Many thanks to Susan for assembling these kind offerings that meant so much.
Anne Mackoul
Gallup Road