Concerned About the Waste of Energy From Open Doors of Air-Conditioned Shops
To the Editor:
With the arrival of summer 2016, I must comment that last summer, some of Princeton’s downtown retail shops seemed to be trying to air-condition the universe. Walking along our town’s streets on hot days, too often one felt chilled air blasting from storefront doors propped wide open. This seemed to be an attempt to lure in those shoppers who might never otherwise have guessed that a modern emporium would have a temperature-controlled interior.
Even if an individual business can afford this incredible waste of energy, our warming planet cannot. (A law against this practice was recently passed in New York City.) Let us appreciate the fine local stores that show respect for both our intelligence and our environment, by keeping their doors closed when their air-conditioning is running. Those are the doors that we will be happy to enter.
Caroline Hancock
Laurel Road