June 15, 2016

Resident Wants Person Who Made Off With Cracked Wheelbarrow to Return It

To the Editor:

To the thief who stole the wheelbarrow from our patio in the middle of the night on June 11: the bright orange one with the thick wooden handles and base and a crack down the middle of the barrow, we want it back.

The wheelbarrow was on our patio and in our yard for the last three weeks after our neighbors tossed it out during their moving sale. It was old and well used, but still in good shape to be used for our gardening and yard chores. It was lightweight enough for our two little grandsons to play with and push around the yard during their recent visit. It was a pretty cool wheelbarrow, and we want it back.

Whoever you are, you should know that we filed a police report to document your offensive act of taking it from our property so you’ll know that you are officially declared a thief.

Please return it. We’ll leave the light on for you.

Alyce Bush

Loomis Court