There Is Absolutely No Excuse For Anyone to Text While Driving
To the Editor:
Having lived in the Princeton area for the past 12 years, I’ve always been impressed with the passion at which my fellow residents take up certain issues. I may not always agree with their opinions, but no one can deny the passion.
I’d like to highlight a safety-related issue that will be virtually impossible for anyone to take the other side.
It’s the epidemic that exists in our town with texting while driving. As an avid runner, it’s very likely you’ve seen me running through the neighborhood on a weekend morning. What I see, unfortunately, is an unbelievable amount of people who are texting while driving. This behavior needs to stop. There’s absolutely no excuse for anyone to ever text while driving. If you’re looking down at your phone, then you’re not looking at the road. I see people blatantly holding up their phones directly in front of their faces, believing they have a better chance of reading their phones in addition to seeing the road. I can assure you both cannot be seen at the same time.
My children will soon be getting old enough to ride their bikes around the neighborhood on their own. The fear I have of them being run over by a distracted driver will very likely prolong my letting them ride on their own. I see our police “hiding” out looking for speeding cars, giving out tickets. While I applaud those efforts, what steps are being taken to reduce distracted driving? Stand anywhere along a busy Princeton street and watch 100 cars go by. Tell me how many are texting. Something needs to be done. Mayor Lempert and town council, what are you doing to keep my family safe?
Bret Jacknow
Farrand Road