Zoning Task Force Prepares Proposals For Council Nov.14
Amidst widespread calls for changes to Princeton’s current zoning regulations, the Neighborhood Character and Zoning Initiative (NC&ZI) Task Force has been hearing from different elements of the community as it prepares recommendations for both short-term and longer-term fixes.
In commenting on plans for introducing a proposal for preliminary ordinances to the municipal council on November 14, task force member and Princeton Mayor Liz Lempert noted the importance of both immediate action and longer-term work on zoning regulations.
“We heard from builders and architects the importance of a comprehensive review of zoning district lines and regulations to ensure that they reflect neighborhoods,” she said, referring to focus group meetings held last Thursday, “and a desire to revisit the principles in the Master Plan before tinkering with the ordinances.”
The mayor continued, ”However, we heard from residents the need to move quickly to help correct some of the existing inadequacies in our current zoning that have led to out-of-character development in their neighborhoods. I believe both approaches are needed.”
The goal of the NC&ZI task force, according to Ms. Lempert, is to start with a few quick fixes and also to do a comprehensive study that generates additional recommendations that will take longer to implement.
Among the zoning repairs that may be considered for adoption before the end of the year, the task force, along with its consultant Mark Keener, director of Urban Design for the RBA Group of Philadelphia, has proposed: instituting a driveway setback, allowing porch encroachments, requiring a garage setback to reduce the impact of garages on the streetscape, prohibiting house repetition when a lot is subdivided, and including cathedral space when calculating FAR (floor area ratio).
A third focus group will be held this Thursday, November 10, with members of Princeton boards, committees and commissions. Last week’s groups included first local professionals (builders, developers and realtors), then neighborhood residents.
In addition to Ms. Lempert, NC&ZI task force members include council member Jenny Crumiller, planning board chair Wanda Gunning, planning board and council member Tim Quinn, and planning board vice chair and master plan committee chair Gail Ullman.