Bike Rider Thanks Princeton Motorists For Courtesy Shown at Intersections
To the Editor:
Thanks for the courtesy, Princeton drivers!
This past Saturday I rode my bike on my way to and from the Mayor’s Ride. (In case you didn’t know: Princeton’s cool Mayor Lempert, with the Bicycle Advisory Committee, hosts a bike ride every fall; you can enjoy some of Princeton’s parks at their most colorful, plus a cup of hot cider at Mountain Lakes House).
On this Saturday, no fewer than four motorists, at four different intersections, stopped their cars for me as I waited to cross the road, and waved me across. They did this, even though none of the intersections had signs prompting drivers to give the right of way to those on foot or on bike.
I want to thank these drivers, and all the drivers who have given me the same courtesy on other occasions. I can’t see your faces through the windshield, so I don’t know who you are. But I want you to know that it is immensely heartening to me that there are more and more of you who empathize enough with those on bike and on foot that you are willing to punctuate your trip with a short stop, to let us cross the road in front of you. You set a great example of kindness and courtesy, and I hope you inspire others to do the same. May your wheels, whether four or two, always roll smoothly.
Tineke Thio
Dempsey Avenue