December 7, 2016

An Exchange of Letters on Dinky Access Between Resident and Mayor Lempert

Your Honor:

Thanks for allowing our mean-spirited university to increase my suffering. I am 72 years old with congestive heart failure. Before the heartless decision to move the station, I could walk there. That is no longer possible. Because of a recent procedure, I am forbidden to drive for the next two weeks. My surgeon is in New Brunswick, and I am happy to take New Jersey Transit there for my follow-up appointment on December 8. But getting to the train will be a major inconvenience.


David Zinkin

Humbert Lane 

Dear David,

The decision to move the station was made between New Jersey Transit and the University. There are options to help you get to the new station. For example, you may want to avail yourself of the Crosstown service, which is run through the Senior Resource Center. Here is a link for more information:

In addition, the free Tiger Transit shuttle runs from Palmer Square to the Dinky station.

Here is a link to the schedule:

There is another Tiger Transit line that runs from the Friend Center on Olden and Williams to the Dinky Station:

I hope your recovery goes well.

Liz Lempert

Mayor of Princeton, Witherspoon Street