Princeton Adult School’s Spring Semester Schedule
Princeton Adult School has mailed its spring 2017 brochure and opened its online registration site.
Visit for more information.
The Adult School has focused its Lectures and Discussions to highlight change in Washington from the viewpoints of experts in key areas such as immigration, education, healthcare, and trade policy in the series “What’s Next?” on Tuesday nights starting February 28, a little more inside government talk; and “The Lives and Careers of Six of Our Most Important Supreme Court Justices” to round it off.
“The Thomas Cromwell Trilogy” will look at Hilary Mantel’s tales along with the film adaptations. Music picks include “History of the American Musical Theater,” “French for Opera Lovers,” or an exploration of Fidelio along with a backstage technical rehearsal. Piano, guitar, singing and magic are available for beginning and experienced students.
Cooking selections focus on topics ranging from flatbreads to gefilte fish. Crochet, knitting, flower arranging, beadwork, country line dancing, belly dancing, tango, chair yoga, languages — from Italian to Turkish — are also offered. Then there is poker, mah jongg, bridge, canasta, and chess.
The semester starts Thursday, February 9, and continues through April. Most classes are held at Princeton High School on Tuesday or Thursday nights. Please check class details for location.