Angela Siso Stentz Named New PHS Assistant Principal
Angela Siso Stentz, Princeton Public Schools (PPS) supervisor of guidance for K-12, has been appointed assistant principal at Princeton High School (PHS). She will replace Lori Rotz, who will be retiring from that position on July 1.
In the district since 2000, first as a special education teacher in math and Spanish and for the past ten years in guidance, Ms. Siso Stentz looks forward to using her experience and knowledge and the relationships she’s developed across the district to help in her work with students in the high school.
“I’ve had an opportunity to see the district perspective,” she said, “and that knowledge and awareness, knowing where the students are coming from, will help me fill in gaps and work with students, parents, colleagues, and others.”
Ms. Siso Stentz, who was supervisor of student activities at PHS, is particularly eager to focus more directly on working with students in her new role, both inside and outside the classroom. “I’m looking forward to enjoying myself in working more closely with students and their families,” she said. “As guidance director I worked district-wide, focusing on programs and staff, sometimes not engaging with students that much. I’m looking forward to helping students with the challenges in their lives and celebrating their accomplishments. I’m especially interested in getting involved in extra-curricular activities and athletics.”
Ms. Siso Stentz also noted that, as assistant principal, “I’ll be shifting the way I collaborate with teachers and staff. I’ll be more of a support for their work in the classroom. I’m energized about the fact that I will be collaborating with them in that capacity.”
Currently a doctoral candidate in educational leadership and a member of the PHS leadership team, Ms. Siso Stentz has a bachelor’s degree in science and Spanish and a master’s degree in education.
“I know Angela will bring to her new position the same passion, care, and common sense that she has demonstrated in such abundance as our supervisor of guidance,” said PPS Superintendent Steve Cochrane.
Ms. Siso Stentz enthusiastically embraces the district’s recent emphasis on wellness and balance for its students amidst increasing college admissions and career pressures. “That’s an area I’m very passionate about,” she said. “I’m looking forward to working on encouraging our students to focus on balance and wellness, to help them be sustaining citizens of the world.”
She added, “We are looking at ways to capitalize on optimal wellness for all. It’s the crux of who we are as individuals.”
Ms. Siso Stentz went on to describe changes and challenges that she has observed during her years at PHS. “There are more challenges in a young person’s life than there were 17 years ago,” she said. “Students set very high goals for themselves and with that comes a lot of stress. Most of our students do well with those challenges, but some struggle. The depth and breadth of support from the school has increased.”
She also mentioned her concerns with the rapid growth of technology. She described handling that technology is “a difficult process. Sometimes it takes parents and the school to help educate students about how to do that wisely and safely.”
Ms. Siso Stentz lives in Hamilton with her husband Ben Stentz, who is executive director of the Princeton Recreation Department.