May 3, 2017

Two Members of Congress From New Jersey Need to Hear Truth About New Health Bill

To the Editor:

The health care bill pushed by the leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives has come back to life in an even more damaging form.

The legislation would hit people 50-64 with an “age tax” that could cost them up to $13,000 a year.

And the deal worked out behind closed doors would allow insurance companies to deny coverage or increase costs by thousands of dollars for people with pre-existing conditions.

Twenty-five million Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 have a pre-existing condition, like cancer, heart disease, or high blood pressure — including over 700,000 in New Jersey.

Coping with a pre-existing condition is painful enough. The last thing the government should be doing is telling insurance companies it’s okay to add to the suffering.

Who wins under this legislation? Big drug and insurance companies.

Let’s not go backwards by once again permitting insurance companies to punish someone for having a pre-existing condition. And, we can’t allow legislation to slap older Americans with an unfair age tax.

All but two members of Congress from New Jersey, Reps. Tom MacArthur and Rodney Frelinghuyse, have said they’d vote against the bill. They need to hear from their constituents about what a terrible idea this bill is.

Brian McGuire

AARP New Jersey